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Answers to your Questions
What is an End of Life Doula?
An EOL Doula is a non-medical, holistic practitioner who guides individuals and their families through the dying process by way of presence, companionship, emotional support, and education. Just as birth doulas support mothers in birthing a baby at the beginning of life, we guide and support individuals leaving this life.
Why would I consider hiring an EOL Doula?
Doulas are a calm, reassuring presence with knowledge of the dying process. We are a compassionate resource for families who may be overwhelmed and grieving at the impending death of their loved one. Doulas offer a variety of services to assist in the transition of dying. First and foremost, we provide a safe, steady knowledgeable and comforting presence during a most difficult time.
How is an EOL Doula different from what Hospice offers?
We highly recommend every individual and family facing a terminal illness and end of life to call their local hospice as soon as possible. Doulas serve as a complement to the hospice healthcare team and, as such, do not participate in planning or providing medical care.
We offer:
Our extensive training exceeds what most hospice volunteer programs provide
Time and availability beyond what hospice is normally able to provide due to Medicare guidelines
Personalized attention
Our trained experience in being with intense, difficult emotions
A sacred space during the active dying process until the last breath
Bereavement visit
Contact can be made at any time during the end-of-life process. That involves from the time of diagnosis to months, weeks, or days leading up to and including active dying phase. The earlier a doula enters into the process, the more time can be spent getting to know the individual and their family, creating a non-medical plan of care, prioritizing end of life wishes and desires while creating sacred space and meaning.
When should I contact an EOL Doula?
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